Clause 9 Performance Evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
Clause Criteria
The organization shall determine:
what needs to be monitored and measured;
the methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, as applicable, to ensure valid results;
when the monitoring and measuring shall be performed;
when the results from monitoring and measurement shall be analysed and evaluated.
The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of the results.
The organization shall evaluate the XXX performance and the effectiveness of the XXX management system.
The intent of this clause on monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation is to specify the requirements for implementing checks to be sure the intended results of the management system are achieved as planned.
Checking can be qualitative (monitoring) or quantitative (measurement).
The characteristics that are monitored or measured, analyzed and evaluated provide the ‘necessary and sufficient’ information to judge the extent to which the management system planned activities are realized and its planned results are achieved.
The information gained through monitoring or measurement, analysis and evaluation is presented to top management in accordance with the requirements of Clause 9.3 Management Review.
Documentation of the monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation results is created and controlled in accordance with the requirements of Clause 7.5 Documented information.
Chief Explainer:
Phil Byrne